about us

What is Work At Home Companies Online?
  • Our goal is to assist ordinary people with ordinary skills in finding realwork that can be performed at home.
  • You do not have to search for a job.  We have done that for you.
  • We have not listed companies that we prefer not to do business with for various reasons such as slow replies and incomplete instructions.
  • The jobs are separated in categories according to necessary skills.
  • This is not a "get rich quick" scheme.  If you want to make money, you will have to work.  But if you found our site, you want to work and hopefully our site gives you the tools to find the job that is just right for you ... and allows you work from your own home.
  • Each job is completely described and sets forth the skills needed and all expenses that you may incur including supplies and shipping.
  • We have included only companies that buy the products you are assembling.  The companies do the selling, and you assemble the products for them in your home.  No selling or advertising is required by you.
  • The companies do not withhold taxes or pay any unemployment benefits.  You are your own boss and are responsible for reporting the income you make to the IRS.
  • Work-at-home companies save money by hiring home workers.  They do not have to furnish a work environment, pay payroll or unemployment taxes, health insurance, retirement, etc., and thus they cut down on their overhead by hiring you.
  • The majority of companies will either sell you the supplies, or allow you to purchase them locally and reimburse your cost.  Some companies even allow you to furnish your own supplies and they pay you for it.  What a great way to use up scraps of material, beads, etc. resulting in no supply expense to you at all!
  • We will be adding more pictures, and also more companies as we have the time to properly check them out.
  • You can order just one or as many of the information packets as you wish.  For example, if you don't have a sewing machine, why would you want to information on a  work-at-home job that required one?  We have found that it is nice to have two projects going at once. 
  • We have had very few complaints about any of the craft products we sell.  None of the complaints were for fraudulent craft companies.  We don't know if you will be satisfied with the job because the aptitudes of people vary widely.  Some people are very good at crafts and some are not.  The very few dissatisfied customers resulted, in our opinion, in attempting a job in an area where their skills were not for that particular job.  
  • Keep this in mind:   if the labor per item is smaller, the item can generally be assembled easier and much faster than the high-paying labor items.  Therefore, just because an item pays high labor, does not make it the best choice or the most profitable.  For example, you can probably assemble one Christmas Spider Ornament per minute, but it may take you several hours to sew a Buddy Bear.  We cannot estimate the time it will take you to complete an item.  However, on the individual page describing each item, we have tried to provide you with a complete description of the assembly necessary so you may calculate the necessary time.
  • We are in NO WAY associated with any of the companies listed on our website.

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